Blog Post


  • by websitebuilder
  • 29 Jan, 2018

Did you know that washer and dryers need to be cleaned? This article shows you how to do it. You could avoid the hassle from cleaning and folding by just bringing your clothes to Atlas Dry Cleaners...hint hint

According to Beth McGee, the author of “Get Your House Clean Now: the Home Method Anyone Can Master,” the inside of your washer and dryer can build up with things like mold, mildew, and lint. The lint part I certainly knew, but I had never considered there might be mold or mildew hiding inside my washer.

Cleaning it isn’t that hard. According to McGee, if you have a newer washer with a sanitizer setting you can clean it by running an empty cycle with a quarter-cup of bleach.

If you’re rocking an older washer, then run a cycle set at the largest load setting on the hottest water setting with a quarter-cup of bleach. When it’s done, leave the door open and allow the washer to air dry.

She notes that he rubber seals around the washer door can also collect mold and mildew, so you may need to wipe those down separately.

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